Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!
Under review

I have been trying to contact Voki via Support as well as sending private messages here and have had no response. PLEASE COntact me regarding my account.

Holly 8 років тому оновлений 8 років тому 4

I have been trying to cancel my account for days and have received no response from you via email, facebook, or community. Please contact me!


Is there a storage limit for the free version of Voki?

Annie 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 4
Gil Sideman 8 років тому

Hi Annie - Got it - I understand exactly what you are doing. So at the moment there is no space limit, but we will introduce such a limit at some point soon, that will prevent you from accumulating more than a handful of Scenes. The best solution is to purchase a paid account, where this functionality will not be limited. At $29 a year you will be all set. Hope this makes sense.

Under review

Where do I find the embed code? I have a subscription.

frances moore 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 1
Under review

Cross using voki creations and presentations between accounts

fpkm 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 1

how can I use the voki presentations I created in the free version in my paid subscription. They act like two completely different accounts. Please provide me stepby step directions if it is possible. I have tried a lot of different things. Bu


unscribe me please

Liz Baohm 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 2

unscribe me please, I know longer wish to use this service, as my course I was using is now finished.

Gil Sideman 8 років тому

Hi Liz -

What you need to do is login to your account, goto "my Account" page, and disable automatic billing.

With auto-billing disabled you will no longer be charged and your account will expire in due course.

If you like us to take care of it for you, pls write a note to support@voki.com.



Under review

Why won't my Voki Avatar speak

sjf240@email vccs edu 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 1

I am using the free Basic Trial version of Voki to make a presentation for college. My Avatar will not talk. It states type to speech, apparently that feature does not work.

Under review

All my Voki's stopped playing, as of today.

savagep 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 1

Is there a problem with the website? When I click "Play" the circle just spins and spins like it's loading but then nothing happens. For embedded Voki's, the orange line keeps loading but nothing happens. I have several Voki's in my online courses, so I really do need them to work! Any suggestions?

Under review

New account same problem

jennifer bleschet 8 років тому оновлений 8 років тому 2


Thank you for taking my "wrong file uploaded" problem into account.. While waiting to find out what I was doing wrong I tried using a different account (different name, different email address but same computer) where there were in theory no saved files. As soon as I tried to upload a file I found myself with the same 28 files saved on the first account, and the same difficulty uploading the twenty-ninth. I feel a bit hounded ...

Not a bug

Wrong file uploaded

jennifer bleschet 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 4

I have been using the free version of Voki for my students with no hiccups until today. When I try to upload a student's voice I get a previously used voice file, the last of a list of twenty-eight "saved files". I presume this means I've reached the limit but I don't seem to be able to delete the previous files, although I get a window asking for confirmation when I say that's what I want to do..

Under review

What is the difference between voki for ed and all the other Voki app?

debbydavishp 8 років тому оновлено Gil Sideman 8 років тому 1

I don't see anything about Voki for Ed here, but all of these seem to be related. What is the difference?