Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!

Page is covered by ads and all buttons are unusable. Unable to close? Please advise

Renae 10 years ago 0
Page is covered by advertisements and now the program has zero functionality in the create portion.
Karen 7 years ago

I believe the changes you made corrected the issue.  I went into my Voiki account under Firefox (I also tried Chrome last week and had the same issue), and I was able to go in and update my recording.  Thank you. 

Under review

There is an ad appearing right over the top of the menu

Jacqueline 10 years ago updated by Sumit B 10 years ago 1
There is an ad appearing right over the top of the menu and is making the application completely unusable. I am very disappointed, I have used this once before for an assignment and wanted to use it with my kindergarten class but cannot. What a shame.

Can't see the selections

Sherrie Beckwith 10 years ago 0
There is a large banner that says start customizing your avatar that blocks the choices and half of the avatar person. I've downloaded the stop ad to see if that helps and although it blocked the ads, your banner remains. The only choice to remove the banner is to click Teachers Get Started but that just takes you back to the page in which to sign up. I want a free avatar to try it out before I give my credit card information/pay.
Under review

Ads blocking tools

TLSE 10 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 10 years ago 3
I cannot create a voki because of a pop-up ad that blocks my ability to use the tools. Here is a screenshot:

Image 22

Please advise as to how I can correct this? The content of the ad is not the issue!

Recording is not happening.

Sue Milroy 11 years ago updated by Eva 11 years ago 2
After pushing the Record button, the twirling cursor just keeps twirling and recording is not taking place. I have waited up to 2 min. and nothing happens., it just keeps twirling.

My voki's avatars are not showing up on my presentations. It takes me forever to put these together and it seems as if they work once or twice and then corrupt. Any suggestions?

RACHEL COMPTON 10 years ago 0
The voki script is playing, but the avatar will not come up.  I have no idea why.  I have tried everything.  It is very frustrating. 
Under review

Cant use Create Voki page

Elliot 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 9 years ago 3

I am using a MacBook OS X 10.9.5 and when I go to the create a Voki page the page is dominated by the 1. Start Customizing your avatar pop up box and the Sitepal add on the right of the page leaches across almost half of the page. I cannot remove the pop up box and all of the buttons are inaccessible behind it. I really hope someone can help, I was hoping to impress our staff by using Voki in our staff meeting tomorrow!

Gil Sideman 9 years ago

Hi Elliot -

This is not something we are familiar with - I use a macbook regularly...

Can you post a screenshot? - might help clarify

my first suggestion is - clear your browser cache and cookies and try again.

if that fails - I suggest using a different browser (Chrome or Safari whichever one you are not using).

Let me know how goes


Under review

This advertisement is blocking the features

Howard Franklin, Jr 10 years ago updated by Sumit B 10 years ago 1
Please remove the advertisement