Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!
Є відповідь

Some of my students are not able to record themselves or save their recordings while a few can. Can someone help me?

Carmen 4 роки тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 4 роки тому 3

I have an assignment and only a few students were able to record, save their recording, and submit. I have quite a few students who can not record. I was wondering if anyone can help?

Gil Sideman 4 роки тому

For those schools that implement domain based limitations on incoming traffic, please tell your IT department to whitelist  *.voki.com & *.oddcast.com domains.


How do I hide an assignment?

Carmen 4 роки тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 4 роки тому 2

I can not find nor do I see the purple eye to hide the assignment

Gurpreet Singh (Voki Support) 4 роки тому


Hope you are doing well

To hide your assignment, you will need to simply follow the below steps:

- Login to your voki account

- Go to CLASSROOM and then choose CLASSES section. Here is the screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/1047c75

- In CLASSES section, you will see the assignments assigned to the classes. In front of all the assignment, you will notice an option saying ARCHIVE, here is the screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/1047cor

- Simply mark this archive option if you want to hide the assignment

Hope it helps

Please feel free to write us email to support@voki.com for any further queries

Best regards



Voice Speed

Sandra Jones 4 роки тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 4 роки тому 3

There used to be a toggle that would allow the user to slow the speaking voice down; is there still an option of that in the sound settings?

Gil Sideman 4 роки тому

Hi Sandra -

you would need to open the FX menu to select the "slow" effect.

Hope this helps.

Best regards


The Voki Team

Not a bug

I want to delete my account but at the page "my account" i can't see the botton

gerardgiltares 4 роки тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 4 роки тому 2

I want to delete my account but at the page "my account" i can't see the botton

Gil Sideman 4 роки тому

You may deactivate your account from your "My Account" page. If you need assistance, please send a note to support@voki.com.



The Voki Team

Є відповідь

What format can I use to upload my own background? JPEG did NOT work.

slwatkins 4 роки тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 4 роки тому 2
Gil Sideman 4 роки тому


I just tried it and jpeg upload worked fine for me.

Please send us your jpeg file to support@voki.com - and if possible please include a screenshot of the error/problem you see, so that we may best advise.



THe Voki Team 

Є відповідь

¿Cómo insertar imágenes en voki?

capafi1 5 років тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 5 років тому 2

Quiero insertar mis propios imagenes en voki. Alguien me puede decir ¿cómo?

Gil Sideman 5 років тому


Creating animated characters using your own images is supported with our SitePal product (but not available in Voki)

Please see more information here -


Hope this helps. Best regards,



La creación de personajes animados con sus propias imágenes es compatible con nuestro producto SitePal (pero no está disponible en Voki)
Consulte más información aquí:


Espero que esto ayude. Atentamente,

Є відповідь

How can I view Voki's that students made outside of assignments I've posted?

Elaine 5 років тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 5 років тому 2
Є відповідь

Why are my assignments not showing up in a student's classroom page? It says, "No assignments created."

mpulido 5 років тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 5 років тому 9

Help. Can I call someone? At $8 a month, I can't really recommend this product with crappy customer support. 

Gil Sideman 5 років тому


Our support team accessed your account and logged in as a student and are able to view assignments fine. Please try it yourself by logging in as one of your students. If you do not immediately see - please try clearing browser cache and login again.

Please let me know how goes.

Our support engineer will follow up with you directly.



Not a bug

"Log in already in use" "Log out of other devices" I've been reading how to fix , so I cleared my cache, to no avail. How can 4 of us "Hangout" at the same time? Thank you, Linda

lrence 5 років тому в Voki Classroom оновлений 5 років тому 7
Є відповідь

Can a voki be captioned for students with hearing impairments?

Val Mazzotti 5 років тому в Voki Classroom оновлено Gil Sideman 5 років тому 2
Gil Sideman 5 років тому

Hi Val - 

Unfortunately not at present.

This feature is being considered for future updates.

