Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!


joanna_futch 5 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendaja Gil Sideman 5 aastat tagasi 3

I tried to use Voki with my students today but the main page wouldn't load on their computers which are all Chromebooks. It was the correct website but none of the graphics and content would load. They are in school virtually so aren't on a school network. Any ideas on why this is happening? 


COVID-19: Teachers moving to online need support--will you help?

Leslie Eilisabeth 5 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendaja Gil Sideman 5 aastat tagasi 1

Any plans for offering premium features free of charge during the COVID emergency?


Can I change the language to French on behalf of my students?

frenchteacher4234 9 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendaja Gil Sideman 9 aastat tagasi 1

Greetings! I am a french teacher and my students love technology and creating their own comics.

I do not want them to be exposed to English, when creating their Voki presentations.

Can I change their operating language to french, to prevent the exposure to English?



video capture

Pam 10 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendaja taketheb8 10 aastat tagasi 2
I can't find a good way to do a video capture of our Voki's on a Mac.  I have tried a couple and either the audio doesn't work, or the video.  Do you have a recommendation for an inexpensive way to video capture Voki's?


Daniiela Orthega Reyes 10 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom 0
bienbenidos a mi voki

How to publish my voki on facebook and my school website(k12)

Shule 10 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendaja Eva 10 aastat tagasi 1
Hello Voki Team,
As a private school we always announce our latest ELT tools to public using our facebook page or school website. www.deryaoncu.k12.net
However, I cannot publish my students' or my own vokis since I don't know how to embed codes on facebook or else.
1)  Can you please give a step by step description to do it?
2)  I also tried it on e-twinning site but it says I have to convert it to iframe code.. Can you also explain this transforminf process?
3) Lastly, when I send my students their new voki assignments, I want them to see it with the avatar speaking. (again do I have to embed the codes while writing down the assignment in the box?? or how?

Thanks for your help
Sule Balkan

How do students add more than one voki to their accounts?

Christi Coplin 9 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom 0
When students create a free account they are able to create as many voki's as needed. But in the classroom account it seems they can only have one voki. Is their a way to add more voki creations to their account.


Hteni Ovalle Barrios 9 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendatud 9 aastat tagasi 1



Trying to upgrade to Voki Classroom but I haven't been able... is the site down?

eokeefe 10 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendaja Gil Sideman 10 aastat tagasi 1
I would like to upgrade but I get a window that says sorry can't upgrade ... it's the site down?