Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!
Under review

Embedding Voki into Google Site

MrJohn 5 year бұрын updated by Gil Sideman 5 year бұрын 1


The new Google Sites is an extremely popular (all be it simple) web site creating tool.

I have three questions:

1: What is the process for embeding a Voki character I have created (with a message for the children) into a Google Site?

2: if it isnt possible, how to create a link to my Voki only.  That means I dont want viewers/children to see: Save ; Create ; Share : 

Voki is intended for non-commercial use. For more info, see our Terms of Use.
To use avatars for business, please visit SitePal.com.© 2020 Oddcast Inc. All rights reserved.


3: Is it possible to remove the Voki logo from the character and message I have created.  Similar to you Abrahim Lincoln on your web site.

At the moment



Accessibility conformance report

jennifer wondracek 5 year бұрын 0

My school requires an accessibility conformance report, such as a VPAT, before I can go forward with a purchase. These reports explain how the product meets federal regulation for section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act's IT accessibility standards.  Where can I obtain such a report?

Under review

90 seconds on my mp3 audios

Jorge 5 year бұрын в Voki Presenter updated by Gil Sideman 5 year бұрын 4


I have the paid version, and I can´t upload audios between 60 and 90 seconds. But weeks ago, there was no problem. Is it a bug? If so, when will that be fixed?
Thank you.

Under review

I have used Voki in the past on a platform that no longer supports flash player. Is there a way to save Voki in a different format.

keithd 6 year бұрын updated by Gil Sideman 6 year бұрын 1
Under review

Someone please contact the administrator at my school!!!

helena castelletti 6 year бұрын в Voki Classroom updated by Gil Sideman 6 year бұрын 2

My school has paid for a voki subscription but we have not received passwords yet, nor can anyone access our subscription. Our administrator has tried to contact someone several times to sort out this problem, but has been unsuccessful so far. Would someone please make contact and sort out this mess. It is frustrating and a complete waste of our funds if we don't have access. Thank you.


I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOR THREE WEEKS TO CONTACT VOKI TO NO AVAIL. Where are your customer care numbers?!?

Jennifer Gomez 9 year бұрын в Voki Classroom updated by Gil Sideman 4 year бұрын 8

Please let me know how I can get in touch with a real person at Voki who can help me.

Gil Sideman 7 year бұрын

Hi Jennifer -

For paid customers the 'contact us' form is in the Support section.

We do not provide a phone # but offer free and unlimited email support to our customers.

I am a real person at Voki - how can I help you?


Under review

Instuction panel blocking tools

Woombye 10 year бұрын updated by Gil Sideman 10 year бұрын 2
The students cannot access the customise options because an instruction panel is in the centre of the webpage. Can it be aligned to the right of have a minimise or close option please?

Emailing Voki videos not working

Anita Amelia Devine 11 year бұрын в Voki FAQs updated by Eva 10 year бұрын 2
I have the free version of voki. I tried emailing my completed videos to two different email addresses under two servers and am not receiving the email. I checked my spam folder as well. It is not there either.