Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!
Under review

Hi I am having difficulty with recording my Voki message. When I replay it back it just keeps spinning around and doesn't stop. It does not allow my to play back what i recorded

vcarrieri 5 years ago in Voki Presenter updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 2

Hi I am having difficulty recording my Voki message. After I record and press to play back message it keeps spinning around and does not stop. I need this for my lesson.  This is the first time that this has happened

Please get back to me.     

Under review

Can you have two voki at the same time? if yes how?

Mof4g1rls 5 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 5
Under review

Can't record new audio

lisa withrow 5 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 1

Up until yesterday I was able to record with the microphone and everything was just fine. Now, every time I try to record audio the finished, saved product only plays a piece of audio I made yesterday morning.  I've tried new vokis, different characters, everything I can think of but no matter what, the only audio I get is an old discarded track.  I cleared my cache but that didn't have any effect.  

Unrelated, but I created an avatar and saved it to the library. I was using it daily for lesson videos for students and then last week my library was empty and she is nowhere to be found.

Under review

Warren (US) sounds like a girl. Help.

Liberty1 5 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 1

For some reason, the voice of Warren (US) sounds like a girl and I can't seem to fix it. Help. As of 5-5-20 3:39 PM EST.


How do I publish my voki?

Sofia 5 years ago updated by Gurpreet Singh (Voki Support) 5 years ago 1

Goodmorning from Greece. I want to publish my voki, i have already create and save it.

Thank you

Under review

Voki not recording

rene gloria 5 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 1

I’m using my iPad and it is not letting me record. Nothing happens when I click the record button.

Under review

Not Saving Using Mobile App

MrJohn 5 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 1


I have created a character but have found that I can not embed into a Google Site.

So a work around was to use the iPad app, recreate the character and text it speaks and save as a video.

I did but when I came to save/download .... all the Share icons were grayed out.

I have a 15 day free trial.

At this rate I'll find it difficult to pay for a continued membership.

Any suggestions