Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!

why won't power point accept my voki emmbedd code

Vancebrown1 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Sumit B 9 aastat tagasi 1

why won't power point accept my voki emmbedd code


Tres bon. GREAT! Iknew what he was saying.

Jack Bruce-Green 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Eva 11 aastat tagasi 2

Removal Request of Spam Links

Drew Thomas 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Eva Diep 11 aastat tagasi 1
Good morning,

My name is Drew Thomas with Sage Audio Mastering studio, and I’m contacting you regarding a spam link that was added to your site by a marketing firm we hired to help develop our brand.

Unfortunately, we recently found out that this company employed spam marketing tactics, and your site was targeted. After discovering the bad practices, we’ve been reaching out to site owners to help identify and remove the spam posts submitted to their sites.

The pages in question are located at http://forums.voki.com/user/profile/1... and http://forums.voki.com/user/profile/1... . The post were created by users 'sheenaswan' and 'willgerard.'

We’d appreciate it if this spam user or the links posted could be removed. I would like to apologize for this spam and any inconvenience it caused.

Thanks for your time,

Word Count Limit

Shara 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jacklien Sam 4 aastat tagasi 1
How do I raise the number of words my students can make the Voki say?

Voki Classroom Won't Save

schamsj 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Eva 11 aastat tagasi 1
I have students who can't save their Vokis. It give an error that it can save and unspecified. How can I fix this?


Nathan Sternad 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Eva 10 aastat tagasi 2
how do you put voki on a google slide??????

people support this idea.

Jenny Garcia 11 aastat tagasi 0
people support this idea.
under water talking
3 people support this idea.
Deleting srudents

How can i show the voki image on a page?

Bibeimei 10 aastat tagasi 0

I cannot save my recording because it says that this model is only available to Voki classroom users.

Carolyn Doyle 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Sumit 11 aastat tagasi 1
I am trying to make an avatar and record something for school and it is not allowing me. As I try to save the recording, it says that this model is only available to Voki classroom users. What can I do?

Voki on Internet explorer Not working

Kirk Lynch 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Sumit 11 aastat tagasi 1
I have published several vokis. I copy and embed the code in a Moodle class. They play fine using FireFox, but do not play using IE. I downloaded the latest version of IE (11), but still no luck. Any recommendations?