Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!


LUZ LIBY AMAYA vor 8 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Alberto Toyos vor 2 Jahren 6


Gil Sideman vor 8 Jahren

Por favor envíe una nota a support@voki.com y nosotros nos encargaremos de esto por usted.

Not a bug

Beware of Voki signups! Please cancel my subscription!

sara garrett2 vor 8 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 8 Jahren 4

When you use the credit card, it remains and charges you for continuous subscription long after initial use. Cancellation process is not user friendly, if at all in place! Please cancel my subscription immediately!

Gil Sideman vor 8 Jahren

When you sign up for Premium Voki, you are asked for a credit card for automated billing.which you can cancel anytime. If you do not cancel, we have no way of guessing that you want your subscription stopped.

Cancelling auto-billing is simple.

- Login to your account

- goto the my Account page

- disable automatic billing.

or - write a note to support@voki.com and we will take care of it for you.

No reason is required, and we do not make it difficult for anyone to discontinue.

Why you got that impression is unclear - but I'll be happy to know more about it.

Others are invited to comment.




Voki Fraudulent Charges

jaye mudd vor 8 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 8 Jahren 4

Has anyone else been charged for a subscription you never requested? I received an email receipt for a subscription that I neither requested or need. The charge is pending to a company (212-375-6290) with a recording, that leaves to another recording, etc. with a name "Oddcast - the leader in social media and viral marketing". Again, no answer from Voki email or from the other company. Any ideas on how to get someone at VOKI to actually ANSWER you? Remove the charge? Answer the phone? Oh yeah, they don't have one ... and the one who charged my account doesn't answer! HELP!

Gil Sideman vor 8 Jahren

As per your request the account has been cancelled and issued full refund.

Please allow us 3-4 business days to process the refund.

Thank you for trying VOKI



Wird überprüft

Hi, I put in my credit card information, but my account still remains basic. What else do I need to do?

leehappy vor 9 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren 1

Hi I have put in my credit card information, but my account still says basic-free, would like to try level 1.

Wird überprüft

I forget my password, and I can't change my password !!!!!

luoxiaoyi1998 vor 9 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren 1

I forget my password and I did not receive any email !!!! so I try so many time, but I got the same result. I don't know what happen , but i need help !!!!

Wird überprüft

vokis in my Wordpress

Alejandra Martinez vor 9 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Sumit B vor 9 Jahren 1

I used to have different Vokis in my WordPress account sinde 2012. Now they don't appear there anymore. Can you please guide me?



How do I change the name of my voki after it is made?

dperney vor 9 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren 3
Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren

This functionality has been added - in your "My Voki" page - when you hover over the name of a Scene, you will see a small 'edit' icon - click on it to rename your Voki Scene.

Happy naming to all!


Text to Speech in Greek not properly working

dimuser vor 9 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren 2

Hello! I create a voki, I add TTS in greek language (Afroditi) I can hear what I am typing, but after publishing and play that voki the TTS voice not properly says what I have written. That appears with the new site version. Can anyone help on this?

Thank you in advance

Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren

This problem has been fixed.

It was not only Greek - but all non-English text was not processed correctly after the 'new and improved' Voki site was launched last month (or as we unimaginatively call it "Voki 2.0").

Very sorry for any inconvenience. If you still notice a problem please let us know - either by posting here or sending a note to support@voki.com




Movement of the head

Melanie Bartunek vor 10 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Eva vor 10 Jahren 2
Hi again,
I have an avatar, that speaks a longer text.
I noticed that she is always shaking her head which can be offputting.
Can I somehow reduce these movements?
Best wishes,

STOP button grayed out when recording voice. All I can do is Cancel. No voice saved.

Mark Lushenko vor 10 Jahren in Voki FAQs aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 10 Jahren 4