W-9 form to purchase with school money
My school’s bookkeeper needs your W-9 form in order for me to purchase a subscription to VOKI using my classroom money. How can I go about obtaining this Information?

Please send a note to support@voki.com - and we will provide.

Unexpected Charge
I tried voki in May 2017. It was ok but not something I needed once my job changed. I canceled my account. Suddenly in May of 2018 I am getting charged again and have been for at least the last five month!!! I wasn’t even in school!! Why has my account suddenly become active again even though I have not used it in years?!?

Hello -
You must set your account billing setting to "Automatic Billing" - and your annual account extended automatically when it was time for the license to renew.
We do send out automatic emails btw - you would have been informed, though sometimes emails end up in spam.
Anyway - if you prefer we'll issue a refund and cancel your subscription.
Just send us a note at support@voki.com and we'll take care of that for you.
I do encourage you to take a close look at Voki - a lot has changed in the past year! You may want to check it out.

HTML5 and Javascript
Any news or plans to upgrade voki to use JavaScript or some other web technology? Flash is pretty much at end of life.

I came across this old post - and for avoidance of doubt, I'd like to clarify that in keeping with technology updates, the last vestiges of Flash technology were removed from the product about 3 years ago.
Like many other rich media and animation products, Voki did have its technical origins using Flash technology, which was the leading solution at the time. But as technology evolved. and other solutions became available, Flash was gradually deprecated from platforms and browsers. Consequently Voki was migrated to use HTML5 technology, which is universally supported, including on mobile devices.
I hope this helps.
The Voki Team

In our testing, it does save the recording, as well as the background, and all the attributes of the character.
There seems to be a unique problem on your device - which we are unable to recreate.
Would love to get more information so that we can help.
Did you in fact re-enable permissions for the app to access the image gallery as I suggested?
Was this permission in fact disabled as we suspected?
Did you try saving / downloading new Vokis after making this change?
(note that any previous save attempts will never "show up" - as access was previously disabled )
Please try again and let me know exactly what you see when you press the Gallery button.
It is also possible that you are running an older version of the app, or that your app installation is bad/corrupt (this is rare).
That's why, if you try again and it still does not work - I recommend clearing the voki app from your ipad and re-installing it from the app store.
Let me know

Audio Loop
I'm using a free version of the creator for my classes. In the latest, my audio automatically loops, clipping off the last word in the speech-to-text feature. I've used Voki for a couple of years, but I've never had this problem.
Any ideas?

Neither have I - and it is troubling.
For starters I'd like to ask that you clear your browser cache & try again - could be a problem with bad content stuck in your browser cache.
If that does not cure the problem - please contact support@voki.com - describe the problem and include a link to the page where this problem can be seen. We will investigate.

Donde encuentro el código de insersion
Buen día, me pueden ayudar saber en donde encuentro el código de insersion para publicarlo en blogger, no me lo muestra incluso los tutoriales no traen las mismas herramientas que yo veo en la pagina y al dar guardar solo me da la opción de copiar la URL pero no se en donde ver el código de insersion y ya me desespera buscando, gracias por su ayuda.

Puede incrustar la escena de Voki en Blogger utilizando el código de inserción de Voki accesible en una cuenta de Voki pagada.
El código de inserción se puede recuperar haciendo clic en el icono Compartir de su escena de Voki.
A continuación, se indican las instrucciones para copiar el código incrustado y utilizarlo en el blogger:
Paso 1: Seleccionar el botón HTML del Editor
Paso 2: Vaya a la cuenta de Voki y copie el Código Deprecated, Compruebe: - Utilice HTTPS.
Paso 3: pegue el código incrustado en el editor HTML-
Paso 4: Haga clic en Save and Publish-
Aquí está un blog de prueba creado usando blogger donde hemos implementado una escena de Voki que puedes revisar:http://oddcastvoki.blogspot.com/2016/05/i-just-made-new-voki-see-it-here.html
Espero que esto ayude.
Déjeme saber si usted hace frente a cualquier problema en cualquier paso.
Soporte Técnico de Voki.

Por qué no me salva la grabación con micrófono, ni escrita, ni por mensaje, tengo 2 semanas que lo intento y ni el soporte técnico me da respuesta alguna, solo que están revisando, tenía que entregar una presentación para un curso propedéutico y no pude
No me responden por correo electrónico

Why am I being charged for my free 15 day trial?
I signed up to test out Voki. The website clearly stated my card would not be charged until my free trial ended. My card was charged $29.95. I have deleted my credit card from my account since. I read previous forums that with the new Voki website, customers were being charged on sign up, although they weren't supposed to be. I don't want another BS answer as such.

please send a note to support@voki.com and we will take care of it for you.
Customer support service by UserEcho