Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!
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Where are the "folk characters?"

Diana D'Emeraude vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Eva vor 10 Jahren 1
I received an email about folk characters. I am not seeing them nor their costumes. Do I need to go to a special place and/or buy them?

Microphone does not record. Will it not work with a macbook?

Michael Harris vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von taketheb8 vor 10 Jahren 2
Would really like to use the microphone feature.  Why will it not work on my students macbooks or my Air?
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I created a Voki a few weeks ago and it played p

Debi Weaver vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren 1

I created a Voki a few weeks ago and it played back just fine. Now, when I log in, I see the Voki I created, but it won't play back. When I click the play button, it looks like it's trying to do something (spinning), but the video never plays. Why? What can I do about it?

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Voki Youtube Vlogging

Lila boban vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 9 Jahren 1

Will Voki please make program for shy Youtubers who want to vlog so we can make a custom character, choose emotions, and choose different backgrounds (or upload a photo) and record our voice and upload Youtube. Thanks.

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More comment space for teachers.

Marcella Caprario vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Eva Diep vor 12 Jahren 1
My English learner students enjoy using Voki for their oral journals to practice pronunciation, and I appreciate having all of the journals in one place when I'm ready to grade. However, I don't have enough characters to comment fully. I have to type my comments into a word document and either hand them out or email them to the students. Could you consider giving teachers more space to comment on the Vokis? Thanks!

removing ad

cathyc vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Faith Mutopo vor 10 Jahren 6
Hi. We have tried email but received no response. Are we allowed to use the free version and remove the voki ad that appears in the clips? Perhaps you would have made it a watermark if you didn't want it removed? Is the ad also in the paid version. Thanks Cathy


Diana Sanchez Vega vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert vor 9 Jahren 1

aqui esta el tabajo