Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!
Under review

under water talking

kaydrian barnett 13 years ago updated by Eva 11 years ago 1
i think we should be able to talk like were under water.
audio text to speech voices

I forgot my password, and changed my email

Forrest J Brandt 11 years ago updated by Eva 10 years ago 2
Under review

Recordings not saving - need a help ASAP!

Emma Clifford 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 6

Hi, I have made a recording - the first one worked and saved but I have been unable to save anymore recordings. I can record, playback and hit save but then it disappears. I have checked in the 'My Voki' tab and 'Edit Your Voki / Folder Icon' but no sign of my recordings. Any help appreciated.

Under review

Disappointed with Customer Support

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 9 years ago 1

When I send emails to Voki, I expect to receive responses in a timely manner. It should NOT take weeks for Voki to acknowledge customers' emails sent to support@voki.com or feedback@voki.com.


Need a way to pause between words or sentences. Also, possibly to slow down the delivery.

Nina Schroeder 11 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 4
How can I get the avatar to pause between words when I am typing in text? Adding blank space doesn't help. He just rattles off all the words that I have on a list and I would like a slight pause between the words. Hope you can help!

It would also be nice if there was a way to pause between sentences, or to change the delivery speed of the avatar reading typed text. Please let me know if there is.

Do the students HAVE to enter emails and register in order to send Vokis?

Stephanie Brown 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 3
My students' vokis were never delivered to my email box...what happened? Do the kids HAVE to enter their email accounts to use this for free and have it send to my email? Also, if that is the case, some schools have filters preventing students from using personal emails at school, therefore eliminating the option of "registering". Is my only option then to pay for this? And what became of my students' work? The site said that the projects sent successfully?!

No avatar appears on the Create page

Maureen Thomas 11 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 9
Under review

This product sucks. It won't let me create any new character. And I just bought it too. No improvement. Yuck

rob . 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 9 years ago 1

Voki registration is not loading on my Mac

Liz Costa 11 years ago updated by Eric Kiang 11 years ago 1
I am trying to register for Voki but the registration page does not load