Voki's community is here to let Voki, Voki Classroom, and Voki Presenter users provide feedback, such as Voki product ideas, praise, or other comments/ questions/ concerns. Although not every post here can be answered by a Voki representative, we do read and consider each and every post!

automatic billing

Shule hace 10 años en Voki Classroom actualizado por Eva hace 10 años 4
I tried the trial version of voki classroom, I had heard about the application and was really eager to use in my school. I entered my credit card info and the automatic inoice was showing that I was charged for $0 for 15 days. Then my bank sent me a text message that I was charged.
I am really sorry to have had such a bad start to your website. Do you really think that you can keep a sustainable number of clients by making such mistakes??

I would like to have an immediate refund please. I will use the trial version for 13 more days and then I will decide according to my experiences with my students, regardless of this bad experience.

My username is shuleozcan@hotmail.com


En revisión

Why can't I view my Vokis? and why can't publish them or create new ones?

Rosa Del Vento hace 10 años actualizado por Gil Sideman hace 10 años 2
I created some Vokis in November and in January. They were trials. Now I would like to learn how to embed them onto the school website, but I can't even view them anymore. Could you, please, help?

esta bueno

Sebastian Mayer hace 11 años en Voki FAQs actualizado por Eva hace 11 años 2
mu vueno voki

Embedded Voki not showing on an android device

uingame hace 10 años actualizado por Gil Sideman hace 10 años 1
I'm a technology teacher. My students created vokis, they've embedded them on a wix web site (both ways voki allows). They've created an android application using appinventor2 that opens that website. The voki page is shown but not the voki itself. They also tried using the voki link but same thing.

Such a disappointment they had.

Bottom line, the question is:
Any way to see a voki on an andorid (not using puffin academy which is very buggy with the voki app).


no link

Justin Conley hace 11 años actualizado por Eva hace 10 años 2
I didn't get the actovation link my email is justin.conley@gx.camden.k12.ga.us


Anchitia Flanagan hace 10 años 0
i need my new password to my email address for voki


Diana Cervantes hace 10 años 0