Vos commentaires

Hi Nate - 
Nice page and a good cause!
I'm sorry my German is quite poor.

I see you included a link to Voki at the bottom - it would be better to include the Voki itself, so people would see it and only need to click on it to hear it speak. To do so - copy your Voki's embed code and paste it into your pages html code at the bottom of the page (before the BODY closing tag).

Try it - and let us know if you see a problem.


Susan - 
We can't immediately recreate this problem. Can you please send us the audio file you are trying to upload? 
send it to support@voki.com - and include a link to this conversation.
Hi Gail - 
I am so sorry to hear.
We are not aware of any outage or issue affecting Voki yesterday or today.

Our systems are continuously monitored - so we would know if there was a problem.
Furthermore - we did not receive similar reports from other users.

My best guess is some local configuration change (at your school). 

Try again - at school (and at home) - and if you still see a problem call your IT department to advise.
Please let me know what you discover We are all disturbed when hearing of any bad experience affecting Voki users. 

Voki Team

Melanie - 
Are you still seeing this problem?
We would love to learn more - can you please post the information Sumit asked for?
If you prefer please send the information to support@voki.com

Voki Team
Hi Brettannia - 

If you can't find your Voki character - The response here may help - 

Basically - if you are logged in, you can go to your "my voki" page and see your Vokis and republish them if necessary.

However - if you mean that you published your Voki but it did not appear where you expected it to - if so - please provide more information - how did you try to publish, to which destination ? i.e. did you publish to Facebook? To Twitter? Did you copy paste the embed code?
Can you post the permalink to your Voki Scene? 
We'll take a look

The Voki Team
Hello - 
might be best to contact support@voki.com & provide more info. Would be great to receive a link to the Voki Scene - where we can hear the audio in question. Also - how did you record, by microphone? by phone? How long is the audio?
Mark - 
When you sign up for Voki Classroom or Voki Presenter, you are asked for a credit card for automated billing.which you can cancel anytime. Any customer who is no longer using the product, that was billed in error, will always have their subscription refunded. 
Sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused.
The Voki Team
Jennifer - 
This feature is coming. We can't do everything at once unfortunately - we are a small team. 
Thank you for your patience!
Voki Team