Voki Classroom is a classroom management system for Voki. We created Voki Classroom in response to numerous requests from teachers. Voki Classroom is designed to enhance the way you manage your students’ Voki assignments.

Can we host Voki on our own server?

Kate LaBore 11 years ago updated by Eva Diep 11 years ago 1
If we buy Voki classroom, can we host it on our own server to ensure security and student privacy?

login button didn't allow student to login

Debra Glover 11 years ago updated by Eric Kiang 11 years ago 2
Eight of my Health class students could not login last evening to complete their project. They entered the correct UN and PW, clicked the login button, and nothing happened. Please advise. This project remains uncompleted.
Debra Glover, RN, BSN, NCSN
Episcopal Day School
Augusta, GA 30904
School Nurse
Middle School Health
dglover@edsaugusta.com/ email and voki UN


Purchase method

Julian Chen 11 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 9 years ago 3

I am working for a language learning center at a public university. I am planning to introduce Voki Classroom to our faculty. If we want to purchase the 1-year voki class plan, do we have to use credit card to purchase it? Because our center/department doesn't have a credit card, we usually go with the PO account (Purchase Order) that most institutions do.

Please advise. Thank you

no difference in recording time after upgrade

charissa crook 11 years ago updated by Eva 11 years ago 2
So, I upgraded to the classroom but I still can't record longer than 60 seconds and the site is still full of ads! Is this because I'm in the trial period?

Reuse created avatars

Kate Ewalt 12 years ago updated by Eva 11 years ago 2
Students should be able to copy a voki they have already created and reuse it on a future assignment.

Students cannot record for 90 seconds in Voki Classroom

Lynda 4 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 8

I have used Voki Classroom for years without a problem.  But now students and I are having trouble.  We get the message "time limit exceeded" every time we try to save.  This has happened with one student after another.  Gupreet logged into my account and created a test, stating that I should try another browser or computer, or empty my browser cache.  None of these steps helped me or my students.  At this point,Voki Classroom is an embarrassment to my instruction and could affect student evaluations of my course.  I am requesting a shared screen support meeting as soon as possible.  It is unacceptable for a company as large as Oddcast to provide such poor support for their product.

Gil Sideman 4 years ago

Hi Lynda - 

The problem has been fixed. 

Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused. 

Please let us know if you encounter any further issue.

Best regards,



hangout picture

Elina 6 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 6 years ago 2

How can I make a picture to fit as hangout image? I am uploading it but only a part of it appears,  is there a way I can resize it to fit?
Thanks in advance! 


Student login problems

SMellick 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 7 years ago 4

Students are asked for an email when signing into Classroom voki and I just renewed our school subscription.

Gil Sideman 7 years ago

Hello -

We looked into it - we see student login working correctly.

Students should type their usernames into the email field - they do not need to provide an email

Let me know if that does not work for your students.



Cant sign into voki classroom

Debra Glover 11 years ago updated by Eva 11 years ago 2
I tried to login my classroom to grade voki homework and I received...
Database error:(,root,$password) failed
MySQL Error: 0
includes/oddlib/class.DB_MySQL.inc:session halted
Please advise.... students emailing me they can not complete assignment
Debra Glover
Episcopal Day School
Augusta, Ga
un   dglover@edsaugusta.com
pw  voki123

please reply to dglover@edsaugusta.com



daiana 10 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 7 years ago 2
alguien me puede decir como puedo mandar el link de mi avatar de voki
Gil Sideman 7 years ago
Por favor enviar tu cuenta voki a 'Support@voki.com'
Además, los detalles del problema.