
Some of my students are not able to record themselves or save their recordings while a few can. Can someone help me?

Carmen vor 4 Jahren in Voki Classroom aktualisiert von Gil Sideman vor 4 Jahren 3

I have an assignment and only a few students were able to record, save their recording, and submit. I have quite a few students who can not record. I was wondering if anyone can help?



For those schools that implement domain based limitations on incoming traffic, please tell your IT department to whitelist  *.voki.com & *.oddcast.com domains.

Wird überprüft

Hello Carmen!

I'd like to know more about the environment that might help explain the problem.

* What platforms/browsers are the students using ? (for example - Mac/Safari ) 

* are they using the school's network or connected to it? or are they using their home computer ?

If the school network, the problem might be the result of the school's security settings - your School IT may need to open access to our domains.

Let me know,



For those schools that implement domain based limitations on incoming traffic, please tell your IT department to whitelist  *.voki.com & *.oddcast.com domains.