Ihre Kommentare

Nagwa - After consulting with our support engineers I've been advised that your presentation contents have been restored. Let us know if additional problems are noticed.



Nagwa -

I don't have a good answer for you.

With the launch of the new Voki 2.0 site we have been looking at several anomalies & problems - most of them have been fixed, but this issue is not among them because we have not been able to reproduce the problem.

Our QA folks have been trying today to recreate this issue without success.

Our engineering will look at this tomorrow to see if they can locate your data.

If we can't locate your presentation content - there may be no recourse but to recreate it.

In the meantime I recommend to duplicate your presentation each time before editing.

We'll be looking at this further tomorrow.



Hi Christina -

Your embed code contains a part that reads -


please change that to


and try again - and please let me know if this worked.



Hi Christina -

What are you trying to do and what exactly is not working?

Please provide additional information.


Hi Jennifer -

For paid customers the 'contact us' form is in the Support section.

We do not provide a phone # but offer free and unlimited email support to our customers.

I am a real person at Voki - how can I help you?


Hello -

We looked into it - we see student login working correctly.

Students should type their usernames into the email field - they do not need to provide an email

Let me know if that does not work for your students.


We can only do our best.

I hope that when this is corrected you will take a few minutes to appreciate all that is new and exciting about the updated Voki site.



Hi Melzitta -

The new update affected only scenes using recorded audio.

We expect to have a fix sometime tomorrow.

If you can't wait - please use Text-To-Speech audio - which works fine.

Very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.



Hi Melzitta -

The new update affected only scenes using recorded audio.

We expect to have a fix sometime tomorrow.

If you can't wait - please use Text-To-Speech audio - which works fine.

