Ihre Kommentare

Hi Phyl -

Some of the comments in this thread are from 12 months ago, just as we were introducing Voki 2.0 and HTML5 playback. Things were in flux that have since been long resolved.

If you run into any problems please let us know.

Specifically - I did not understand this comment -

> ...as a link back to Voki's full webpage; which showed a tiny little image of what I'd created

Can you please explain the problem and post a link to your page where this issue can be seen?



Gabriel -

sorry about the inconvenience.

please send a note to support and we'll be able to better review and advise knowing your account details.



Please send a note to support@voki.com and we will help you out.



Laura -

In a Voki Presenter presentation, the Voki characters in each Slide are independent. You may use a different audio in each Slide, or even a different Voki character altogether.

Does this answer your question?

If not please explain the problem in further detail.



Hi - see image below.

Once you uncheck this option, you will no longer be billed and your account will naturally expire at the end of your current license period.

Note that if you remove the billing information - then the "Enable Automatic Billing" option is not displayed (and of course it is also not enabled).

Hi -

My immediate suggestion would be for you to clear you cache and cookies.

You would then need to login again. Please try -




No it will not disappear.

But there will be a limit on how many Vokis you can create & save, and you will no longer have access to the embed feature.

Furthermore, any student's logins you may have defined and any class assignment pages will not work, and saved Voki Presentations will not play.

Hope this helps,


Hi - you can use SSML prosody tags in the text to control the speed.

This will not work with all voices though - so you may need to experiment. Here's an example -

You surround your text with the brackets as you see below - and it will speak slower.

<prosody rate="slow"> hello there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 </prosody>

For more fine tuned control, use the following syntax (supported by a further subset of voices)

<prosody rate="-10%"> hello there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9</prosody>

As noted - only a subset of the voices will respond. Supported voices include -








Let me know how goes.
