Ваші коментарі

Lee - 

The problem was that the text in those Voki Scenes was too long, longer than the 900 characters limit.

Moving forward please ensure that text longer than 900 characters is not entered.

We implemented a partial solution - if the audio is longer than 900 characters, it should not fail, but instead playback is being truncated to the closest word and the first 900 characters are spoken.

However if the input is much longer (over 1500 characters or so) then the Flash player generates a much longer request which fails to reach the server (browser limit.)  This explains the Voki scene that 'spins' forever.

Moving forward please prevent your input from exceeding 900 characters (225 for Japanese and Chinese).



Lee - 

I'll have an engineer look at it tomorrow and advise.

Curious - is there a reason you are using the deprecated Flash embed code (and not the standard HTML5) ?



Hi Molly -

Many of our voices automatically apply question inflection, when speaking a question.

In other cases, the question mark does impact the inflection (but not always).

Try for example the following texts- 

   "Is it up to us?" 

   "Do you like roses?"

Use the voice Julie or Beth or Bridget for example.

You will notice there is a difference when the question mark is present.

But you are right, the question mark only affects inflection in some cases not all.

I'm looking into it & will respond here if I have more information



Hi Helen - please send a note to support@voki.com and we will help you out. 
Regards, Gil

Привет, Хелен, пожалуйста, отправьте заметку на support@voki.com, и мы поможем вам.
С уважением, Гил

Yes you may, if it fits your needs. 

For training purposes we often find that our SitePal product is a better fit.

If you are looking to integrate the speaking character into your web based (non-video) content or application - SitePal offers a rich API which enables that.

If you are looking to integrate the speaking character into video tutorials, SitePal supports exporting Scenes as videos (requires special license)

If you are interested, or want to learn more send a note to sales@oddcast.com & we'll be happy to advise, or, just sign up for a free trial at - www.sitepal.com



Hello Mr Solomon, 

We work and test in Chrome all the time, and so do most of our Voki users and customers (it is the most popular browser) - and we are unaware of the problems you describe. I therefore tend to think that the problems you are experiencing are due to the configuration or settings in Chrome in your lab & school, or, possibly, restrictive firewall settings in your school.

As next steps I would suggest - 

a. try the same from home, just to compare, and prove that the problem is specific to school computers.

b. ask your school IT folks to help out - perhaps they can quickly pinpoint the issue.

c. ask your IT department to whitelist the follwing domains for the school:

*.oddcast.com  and  *.voki.com

if this advice does not help, please send us a note to support@voki.com - and one of our support engineers will schedule a time for a shared screen session where he might be able to advise further.

Let me know how goes,



Hi prkelly - 

See enclosed updated instructions for powerpoint 2016 embed. 

Please let me if you run into any problem.

Also - note that support@voki.com is available to assist. This is not an official support forum, and you will usually get a faster response by sending an email to support.

Voki Embed_06-26-17.docx

Blogs tend to become outdated, as soon as they are published, so their value is limited for support purposes.

We try to keep the information on our support page fairly fresh.

Is any document on our support page outdated?



Hi Victoria - 

It's hard to know without seeing your presentation, but it sounds like you might need to edit your Voki character on each slide, and assign a an audio to it. Once you do that, and save your Voki, you should hear the audio you selected in each of the slides.

If this advise is not helpful, please post a link to your presentation and I will look into it. 

Or, if you prefer, send it to support@voki.com.



Thank you for your words of support!

We could not agree more.

Let me know if there is anything we can do to help principals & teachers in your district adopt Voki for use in their classrooms.



The Voki Team