
how to start?

Vikiward 6 лет назад в Voki Classroom обновлен Handayani 5 лет назад 2

how to start?


На рассмотрении

Hi Vikiward - 

As you log in to your account, and click on the Classroom tab from the top menu, you will see a 'tutorial' link at your top right. Click that and you will have access to our getting started resources.

Best way to get started in my opinion is to watch the two videos. They are short and to the point.

The same videos are also vailable on the support page in the Voki Classroom section.

If you have specific questions - send us a note at support@voki.com

Hope this helps,


На рассмотрении

Hi Vikiward - 

As you log in to your account, and click on the Classroom tab from the top menu, you will see a 'tutorial' link at your top right. Click that and you will have access to our getting started resources.

Best way to get started in my opinion is to watch the two videos. They are short and to the point.

The same videos are also vailable on the support page in the Voki Classroom section.

If you have specific questions - send us a note at support@voki.com

Hope this helps,


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