
my students can't publish and can't sign up for classroom or presenter.

Shlomit Huri 9 aastat tagasi Voki Classroom uuendaja Gil Sideman 9 aastat tagasi 4

I tried to sign up for voki classroom or voki voki presenter for the free version and it didn't let me. How can I get a free acount for those? I created voki on the basic version with my students . the y loved it very much but couldn't publish and email .


Hi Shlomit -

Very sorry about the inconvenience.

We're looking into this problem right now.

Will advise.


Shlomit -

We looked into it and we were unable to recreate the problem.

We tried signing up for Free Voki from both Chrome and Firefox browsers, creating a Voki character and sharing it via email and permalink (copy URL). Everything worked as expected.

When you say that your students were not able to publish and share - what did they see when they tried to share/email their Voki? in what way was sharing prevented?

btw - login is not required for basic sharing such as email and copyURL.

Please send a note to support@voki.com with more detailed information that would allow us to look into it further. Include the email you used to sign up, as well as your browser and platform (mac or pc).

and anything else you can think of that will help us recreate the problem.



Hi Shlomit -

We would love to hear more about this issue so that we might diagnose and assist.

Please provide more info, thanks!

Shlomit -

Was this issue ever resolved for you?

