My daughter can't do anything with voki classroom but can do a recording on regular voki.
We made a voki yesterday on "voki" and had a great time with it, but her teacher said today that she didn't receive it. Then tonight we tried "voki classroom" but there is no create button and even with the pop-up blocker off nothing happens when we click "get started". We were using internet explorer on windows 8, and then I switched to my iPhone to try it there. Same.
Please advise.
Please advise.
Customer support service by UserEcho
You'll have to click on the Create tab on the top to create a Voki. Characters with a banner are for Voki Classroom and Voki Presenter users. If you're creating it on a mobile phone, you might want to try out the Puffin Academy app or the Rover app. Voki is a flash based application and will only work on browsers that support flash.
The Voki Team
I think that the problem might be a misunderstanding of how Voki Classroom functions.
The teacher is not supposed to be adding Vokis to the class page.
In Voki Classroom the teacher creates assignments for students. It is the students who create Vokis (for their assignments) which are then automatically posted to the class assignment page once approved by the teacher.
To get more information on how this works I recommend viewing the Voki Classroom video tutorials on the Voki Learn page -
There are four video lessons (center bottom of page) - they are short and painless.
I hope this helps!
If still unclear or if I misunderstood the problem - please provide a step by step explanation of your actions - and I will do my best to further advise.
The Voki Team