Your comments

Sure. Deactivate your Voki account (in your "my account" page), and you will not be charged.

Then go to and sign up for a Free Trial.

As you sign up - note that the first step is registration, if you use the same email you will be viewed as an existing user and unable to register (because you would be recognized from Voki). 

Spot the "existing user? login" link at the top and continue your sign up.

Hope this helps,


Hi Chris -

No that's not possible unfortunately. 

Feel free to share images of your characters here or by sending them to support. We're always looking for new ideas for Voki characters.



Hello Melissa !

The Voki Logo cannot be removed. 

If you are interested in speaking characters for business use, check out our SitePal product at

In SitePal, our branding can be removed (Gold Plan), and can even be replaced with your own branding (Platinum Plan).

Hope this is helpful.

Best regards,


Hi Amy - 

Seems that Weebly does not support our embed codes at this time.

We'll look into it & see what can be done.

For now I can suggest a workaround - If you create your Voki speaking character on the Mobile app, you can then download a video, which can be posted to Weebly. It's not as convenient perhaps - but it should work.



Hello Jean,

As our support may have already informed you, we checked and your account was indeed cleared (recycled) due to inactive status.  

Given our intention to continue to offer free (and paid) service, we need to free unused resources from time to time to make room for existing & new users. For Free account, inactive status is defined as over 2 years without login and without any scene playback.

I'm sorry this caused an inconvenience and thanks for understanding.

Best regards,


Amy - 

Let me check with our support experts & get back to you.

