My Voki loses his speech recording when I try to play it getting the URL provided.
My Voki loses his speech recording when I try to play it getting the URL provided. It's normal for a free Voki? I've created a functional Voki and need to show it to my boss, but, when I sent the URL by e-mail to my boss and he clicks on play button, nothing happens. Could you help me?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I'm sorry that the Voki is not working on your boss's computer. We definitely want to get that working.
Has your boss updated the Flash player on the computer? Be sure the Flash player is up to date. Please let us know if that worked for you.
This morning I observed that the problem, in fact, occurs in my computer too. The voice speech can play one time, ind a Voki that is sent by mail or got by url link. After playing the Voki one time, if I click on the play button again, or minutos later, nothing happens.
I've checked the library of commom problems in this site, and I've noticed that there are two another users that I think they have the same kind of problem, take a look:
The recording does not save. Am very frustrated. rona@akivaschool.com
Rona Katz reported · 1 reply · Reported 8 months ago
Voki works at home but not school
Kim Landry reported · 3 replies · Reported 4 months ago
I think that could be a kind of commom problem. Another thing that I noticed too is that my computer and my boss's computar are connected at the same lan network. It could be a kind of proxy problem? Dou you have any tip in this way?
I've checked and update the shockwave flash version in both of computers and it's updated:
Thanks a lot,
Can you send us the scene that is causing you issues? Can you also send us your account ID as well so we can test this issue.
Here is my Voki (URL in message below) ...
My ID: ssaulo83@gmail.com
Name: Saulo Sousa
Thank you!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2014-01-30
Subject: You have received a Voki from a friend!
To: saulo@agbaudio.com.br
A personal Voki message was just sent to you by Saulo Sousa.
To make sure you receive your Voki messages, please add notifications@voki.com to your safe senders list.
To view your Voki message, click the link below (or copy it into your browser):
You can also send your friends Voki messages that you create. Visit www.Voki.com to create & send your own Voki messages.
The Voki Team
Please try this link on your machine to test the speech:
Also, try to download : http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/
Then reboot the machine and test.