Voki Presenter is a presentation tool for Voki. Voki Presenter is designed to enhance the way you teach your class by allowing you to insert a Voki character into each slide.

Recent Topics 17


My Voki loses his speech recording when I try to play it getting the URL provided.

agb audio il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Sumit il y a 11 ans 5

i tried setting up an account in voki and the email was not sent to my email address please send it again

Lyndsey Barr il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Eva Diep il y a 11 ans 1

How do you deactivate your free trial?

Anonyme il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Sumit B il y a 9 ans 1
À l'étude

Voki Presenter - Cannot edit text or move items on the screen

montgomeryd il y a 6 ans mis à jour par Gil Sideman il y a 6 ans 3