
The site has changed for the worse

Лена Мамлеева 8 лет назад обновлен Gil Sideman 8 лет назад 12

Before creating a page postcard was there: http://www.voki.com/create.php

April 9, 2016 has completely changed your site look and functionality. We are your regular guests, very disappointed and upset. We are discussing the big Russian forum this problem.
We kindly ask you to return the site to its previous appearance and its former functions.
This site we are very fond of. He was a good, beautiful and comfortable.
Now to your site you do not want to go.
We can not make cards as done before.
We kindly ask you to bring back the loved by many website.

Yours faithfully



Hi Gil
I checked, thank you very much.
Now much better.
So leave :)




Issues about which I am writing, not resolved.

Оценка удовлетворенности от Лена Мамлеева 8 лет назад

I totally agree!

I can't use all my Vokis in greek and some of the others in german. Are you going to do something about it?


На рассмотрении

Hi Guys -

thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We're looking into it and hope to have a solution before long.



The Voki Team

The problems that I wrote, not resolved.
Sorry that I write with the help of an online translator.
We were very fond of your site. Before he was magnificent.
We are your Russian-speaking guests. The problems are:
Before the site was located on this page: http://www.voki.com/create.php
1). We had the opportunity to make ready for the whole Voki ekan monitor, see my example: http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/vhss_editors/voki_player.swf?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fvhss-d.oddcast.com%2Fphp%2Fvhss_editors%2Fgetvoki%2Fchsm=29287fd2f08a67bcc46e49150654c3e1%26sc=10667378

2). Voki could decorate a beautiful player of different color, see screenshot:

Now we are deprived of all these convenient features.
To use the site can not now, in the large Russian-speaking forum, we discuss these issues. People left the site, which is very loved.
We are very upset.
We kindly ask you, dear developers, to return the site to its former condition.
With respect and hope.

Hi Lena -

Thanks for sharing these details & for your kind words. We are looking into it.



Hi Gil

Thank you so much.
We believe and hope that you return the favorite site to its former position.



Hi Lena -

Due to your feedback and feedback from many others we have added a semi-transparent "play button" and "volume control" to the Voki editor.
This play button will be visible only when using the older deprecated embed code.
When using the new embed code you will see the new 'standard' play button which appears only when the cursor rolls over the Voki character.

Note: this will only work on newly created scenes - so please create a new Voki Scene to see it.

The colored "players" that were used in Voki 1.0 have been removed as part of the recent update.
We removed them for several reasons -
1. they are implemented in Flash - and Flash is no longer fully supported with the default settings of some browsers. It is also not supported on mobile devices. So we are moving away from Flash.
2. they were not able to support dynamic resizing for different dimensions (also called "responsive design"). With the Voki 2.0 site you may choose any dimensions for your Voki when embedding it, and the Voki automatically adapts to the screen dimensions when played (for example on different mobile devices).
3. they were hiding too much of the Voki Scene area - we thought that was not so great.

For all these reasons - Voki 2.0 introduced a new playback scheme that did away with the multi-colored players. But as noted above we did restore a semi transparent player for use with the "old" embed code for users who prefer to use it.

Please let me know if you find this helpful.


Привет Лена -
Благодаря вашей обратной связи и обратной связи от многих других, мы добавили полупрозрачный "кнопку воспроизведения" и "регулятор громкости" в редакторе Voki.
Смотрите пример здесь -
Эта кнопка воспроизведения будет виден только при использовании более старый устаревший код.
При использовании нового код, вы увидите новую кнопку 'стандартный' Play, которая появляется только тогда, когда курсор катится по характеру Voki.

Примечание: это будет работать только на вновь созданные сцены - поэтому, пожалуйста, создайте новый Voki сцену, чтобы увидеть его.

Окрашенный "игроки", которые были использованы в Voki 1.0 были удалены в рамках последнего обновления.
Мы удалили их по нескольким причинам -
1. они реализованы в Flash - и вспышка больше не полностью поддерживается с настройками по умолчанию некоторых браузеров. Он также не поддерживается на мобильных устройствах. Таким образом, мы уходим от Flash.
2. они не были в состоянии поддерживать динамическое изменение размеров для различных размеров (также называемый «адаптивный дизайн»). С 2.0 сайта Voki вы можете выбрать любые размеры для вашего Voki при вложении его и Voki автоматически адаптируется к размерам экрана при воспроизведении (например, на различных мобильных устройствах).
3. они скрывались слишком много площади Voki сцены - мы думали, что была не столь велика.
По всем этим причинам - Voki 2.0 ввел новую схему воспроизведения, которая покончила с разноцветными игроками. Но, как было отмечено выше, мы сделали восстановить Полупрозрачный плеер для использования с "старой" Встроить код для пользователей, которые предпочитают использовать его.
Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если вы найдете это полезным.
С уважением


Hi Gil
I checked, thank you very much.
Now much better.
So leave :)



Thank you very much! I love working with Voki so I hope you will find a solution soon.

Hi -

We've made an update to the site which fixes problems with publishing/sharing Vokis using non-English text-to-speech.

Please try again & confirm it works for you.



You 've been really fast! Now it works perfect! Thank you very much! :)

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