
Text to Speech in Greek not properly working

dimuser 8 лет назад в Voki FAQs обновлен Gil Sideman 8 лет назад 2

Hello! I create a voki, I add TTS in greek language (Afroditi) I can hear what I am typing, but after publishing and play that voki the TTS voice not properly says what I have written. That appears with the new site version. Can anyone help on this?

Thank you in advance


На рассмотрении

This problem has been fixed.

It was not only Greek - but all non-English text was not processed correctly after the 'new and improved' Voki site was launched last month (or as we unimaginatively call it "Voki 2.0").

Very sorry for any inconvenience. If you still notice a problem please let us know - either by posting here or sending a note to support@voki.com



На рассмотрении

This problem has been fixed.

It was not only Greek - but all non-English text was not processed correctly after the 'new and improved' Voki site was launched last month (or as we unimaginatively call it "Voki 2.0").

Very sorry for any inconvenience. If you still notice a problem please let us know - either by posting here or sending a note to support@voki.com



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