
Can't log in. Password resets not working

llhello 10 ár síðan updated by Eva 10 ár síðan 6

I've forgotten my password, but the password reset process is not working.
I've tried multiple times and get the same invalid username/password message.
I wanted to use this with students tomorrow.
Thanks for your help.
Haven't heard from anyone!  Don't know if you have an 800 number to call.
Satisfaction mark by llhello 10 ár síðan
Hi - 
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Please send a note to support@voki.com and someone will get back to you first thing in the morning (EST) & reset your password.
The  Voki Team
Hi there,

You can give me a call at 212.375.6290 ext. 108 and I'll help you reset your password!

Eva D. 
The Voki Team
I just tried calling the number.  The system keeps playing the menu options, but does not accept any input.
By the way - this matter is not related to the original password reset request from 3 weeks ago.
That was resolved quickly and I appreciate it.  The issue now is uploading class rosters and the status of our subscription.
I sent an email with screen shots and an attached roster. This morning.  Did you receive the message?

It's not clear how best to communicate.  
Thank you! 

We're currently having some minor issues with our office phones so you may have trouble calling in. But you can definitely forward that email to feedback@voki.com and I'll be glad to look into it for you.

Eva D.
The Voki Team