Under review

Upload own picture not working

Jannik W (KiwiGamer) 9 jaar geleden in Voki FAQs bijgewerkt door Gil Sideman 9 jaar geleden 4
I click the 'browse' button and select the file. The file name is displayed, however, once I click upload the picture does not appear...
Under review
Hey - it works for me - just tried it.
Are you on Mac or PC? Can you post the image you are trying to upload?
Voki Team
I am using a MacBook Air. This is the image I am trying to upload, but I have also used other images and those didn't work either... I also did basic troubleshooting stuff like restart. Thanks.

Your image worked for me - was able to upload no problem.
We're looking into it - will advise.
Hi Jannik,
Our QA ran a through review on all browsers on Mac and Windows - and were not able to recreate the problem.
Please send an email to support@voki.com and include the image as an attachment.
We want to try it with the original image file - that might help.