
Typed text in foreign language doesn't audio

Sabine Vilponen 10 year бұрын в Voki FAQs updated by Eva 10 year бұрын 5
I tried to create VOKIs in Chinese and Arabic by typing text (as I don't speak those languages but need to make the VOKIs for training purpose). I can hear the audio text whilst editing, but I can't save it. There is no sound in the final VOKI. What to do?
Satisfaction mark by Sabine Vilponen 10 year бұрын
Under review
Hi Sabine,

Can you let me know which platform and browser you are using to create the Voki? Please let me know the email you signed up with so we can take a look at it.

If you are having issues saving, let me know what happens when you try to save. Let me know if you have a screenshot of it.

Eva D.
The Voki Team
Dear Eva,
Thanks for taking care of this issue! I use Windows 7 and Mozilla Firefox. My email is --- Please send me yours so I can send you a screenshot.

Best regards,

Hi Sabine,

I just sent an email to you. Let me know if you received it!

Eva D.
The Voki Team
Hi Eva, 

Sent you an email. Please delete the above messages including my email address.

Thank you!