Ваші коментарі

No podemos recrear de inmediato un problema al guardar / agregar audio.
¿Puede aclarar qué tipo de audio está agregando: conversión de texto a voz, grabación por teléfono, carga?
¿Qué navegador y plataforma estás usando?
Háganoslo saber. ¡Gracias!


Hello !

We are not immediately able to recreate a problem when saving/adding audio.

Can you please clarify - which type of audio are you adding: text-to-speech, record-by-phone, upload?

Which browser and platform are you using?

Please let us know. Thanks!


Different Voki characters support different color options, including: skin, hair, eys, mouth, makeup

The only way to know what color options are available for a specific character is to try. If skin color is available for that fish, then it is supported !

Please try & enjoy Voki ! 



The Voki Team

Hi Laine - 

Just to verify - did you select the "No JS" embed code?

Please send a note to support@voki.com and attach a screenshot of what you see - or a link to the Genially presentation where the problem can be seen. We will look into it & advise.


Hi Laine - 

I asked Voki support to advise. Please stay tuned.

Hi Lesley - 

Of course you should be able to save your character.

I advise clearing your browser cache, and logging in again to start over. 

If the problem persists, please contact our support at - support@voki.com



The Voki Team

I came across this old post - and for avoidance of doubt, I'd like to clarify that in keeping with technology updates, the last vestiges of Flash technology were removed from the product about 3 years ago.

Like many other rich media and animation products, Voki did have its technical origins using Flash technology, which was the leading solution at the time.  But as technology evolved. and other solutions became available, Flash was gradually deprecated from platforms and browsers. Consequently Voki was migrated to use HTML5 technology, which is universally supported, including on mobile devices.

I hope this helps.



The Voki Team

Hello  -

Since this post was first answered, we've implemented an embed code option called "No Javascript" (or "iFrame") - when you go to embed your Voki, select this version of the embed code to embed in Canvas, and in other environments that do not allow JavaScript embed code.

This solution is also relevant when publishing to Blogs or other LMS platforms that so not support embedding JavaScript code.

Hope this helps,


The Voki Team