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Puede incrustar la escena de Voki en Blogger utilizando el código de inserción de Voki accesible en una cuenta de Voki pagada.
El código de inserción se puede recuperar haciendo clic en el icono Compartir de su escena de Voki.
A continuación, se indican las instrucciones para copiar el código incrustado y utilizarlo en el blogger:
Paso 1: Seleccionar el botón HTML del Editor
Paso 2: Vaya a la cuenta de Voki y copie el Código Deprecated, Compruebe: - Utilice HTTPS.
Paso 3: pegue el código incrustado en el editor HTML-
Paso 4: Haga clic en Save and Publish-
Aquí está un blog de prueba creado usando blogger donde hemos implementado una escena de Voki que puedes revisar:
Espero que esto ayude.
Déjeme saber si usted hace frente a cualquier problema en cualquier paso.
Soporte Técnico de Voki.
Hi Emily,
Following are the instructions for embedding Voki in Wordpress.
Step 1: Login to your WordPress admin panel and select All pages or Add new page from left option bar.
Step 2: Your created page will be shown in the list of pages and select where you want to add the scene.
Step 3: Select the text box and paste your embed code here and click update.
Step 4: Click preview changes to see the embedded scene on the page.
Let me know how it goes.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Unfortunately, Google Slides or Docs do not support a way to embed JS/HTML5 based embed codes in the slides or pages.
Therefore, there is no direct way this can be achieved.
There are a couple of workarounds to this, the best one being:
Using the mobile app: The Voki iPhone and Android mobile app comes with the ability for you to create a Voki scene and download it as a video. This feature is accessible with a paid Voki account and as you are a Level 1 subscriber, you can easily download the mobile app, log in with your account, create a Voki scene and download it as a video on your handset.
From there, you can share the Voki video just like any usual video and add it to your Google slide presentation or Google document.
The second alternative involves fewer steps.
Using the pickup link: You can publish your Voki avatar and use the pickup link (the chain link icon) in the publish options.
Then you can capture a screenshot of the Voki scene and add it as an image in your Presenter slide.
Further, you can hyperlink this image with the pickup link. This way, when you present your presentation, once the Voki avatar's image shows up, you can click on it and it will redirect to the pickup link where your Voki character will play.
I hope the above two instructions are helpful.
Feel free to reach out to us in case you face difficulties with any of the two methods.
We are here to help.